Wednesday, June 15, 2011

SEO Services - Now what can this mean for your business?

SEO services history has its earliest roots with Gerald Salton in the 60’s when his team at Harvard and Cornell University created and understood the need to be able to use an information retrieval system, which they named ‘SMART’. ‘ARCHIE’ (shortened from ‘Archive’) followed this in the 1990’s with a much more tailored approach to search. Archie used a query method that combined a script data gatherer with a regular expression matcher for retrieving file names, which enabled it to build up a database of web filenames that it could then match to a subsequent user query.

Some of the search engines that have tried since Archie, e.g. Lycos, Looksmart, Inktomi, Aliweb etc… have either been merged into bigger organisations or have simply disappeared. We are seeing Microsoft with Bing to start to mount a challenge to the predominant search engine provider Google (which currently accounts for approximately 80% searches worldwide) .

Google’s belief is to provide a rapid, automated search as close as possible to ‘natural search’ and adapts its algorithm regularly to look for websites that conform to this. Companies soon realised that it made good business sense to be on the first page of Google as it is key to promoting or selling their services or products.

Good SEO means website presence and good Website Marketing means more sales.

The Internet marketplace is the place to be - no doubt Yellow Pages would testify to this. Time, relevance and convenience are key factors for a user when performing a search, relevance is one of the prime factors for the search engine. The search engines now are becoming the decision makers, which make website attraction important but ease of use,speed and ease of communication,and calls to action, are key factors in the sales process.

So when the user gets to your website what do you do?

Well the main goal, generally, is to get the user to acquire some of your goods or services , have a think about what you do when you buy something in a shop for example.
The shop will:

a) Show their wares

b) Provide places where you can get more information on a product or service

c) Most important of all, they make it easy for you to buy them.

Exactly the same rules apply with a website. Make special deals on your products for limited periods only.

You don’t have to make the Website as much fun as a theme park, the goal is to simply provide users with an environment that they purchase you wares in – Make it Easy!.

But just remember without SEO people won’t get to you and that is the base requirement.

Having SEO services Now engaged as your partner helps your Google page one experience

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